Pattern Searching ZigZag

Pattern Searching ZigZag [ ru ]
مؤلف: Bookkeeper (2008.05.17 07:41)
تم التنزيل: 4069
Pattern Searching ZigZag 1
SZZReader.mq4 (3.5 كيلو بايت) منظر
Pattern Searching ZigZag 1 SZZ_without_ZZ.mq4 (4.0 كيلو بايت) منظر
Special Features:
1. Search for ZZ breaks - only at the availability of a maximum or minimum of the approximating curve (Snake), other extremums should be skipped as irrelevant.
2. ZZ is calculated on a larger timeframe (file named SZZ_without_ZZ.mq4 is responsible for this) and built on a smaller one (file SZZReader.mq4). هذا, along with par.1, allows us to decrease the amount of "redrawings", as well as to avoid including "redundant" breaks and, partly, artificial stop-level touching extremums, into ZZ. Besides, the use of ZZ on a smaller timeframe will allow us to calculate the proportions between horizontal projections of sections more precisely.
3. The forming section of ZZ does not roll back from the reached levels, as the price does, but fixes them in order not to “distort” the proportions of shape development (in a case of turn, a new ZZ break will be formed on the latest of the reached levels, this development "alternative" is fixed with a "rubber-band").
Pattern Searching ZigZag 3

All this allows us, on the one hand, to track the pattern development:


Pattern Searching ZigZag 4

و, على الجانب الآخر, when fixing a possible new ZZ break, to estimate the possibility of pattern development completion comparing it with the turning shapes:


Pattern Searching ZigZag 5

To work with the program, save both files, SZZ_without_ZZ.mq4 and SZZReader.mq4 in the indicators folder, open in MetaEditor and compile. The programs are developed for Tester, but they can also work in the real-time mode (I hope).

To start using them, load SZZReader in the current window. معامل SeniorTF will set the timeframe for ZZ calculation. There must be available quotes from a larger timeframe to build ZZ on the selected timeframe.

على سبيل المثال, if we are going to calculate ZZ on Н1 and draw it on М5, we should start SZZReader in the М5 window, having specified extern int SeniorTF=60;


ملحوظة: The attached indicators are basic ones, they only draw ZZ itself and a "rubber-band". Neither templates of turning shapes nor the function searching patterns, nor building and calculating of additional relations between ZZ breaks are available in these indicators.



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نحن فريق من متداولي الفوركس ذوي الخبرة العالية [2000-2023] الذين يكرسون أنفسهم لعيش الحياة بشروطنا الخاصة. هدفنا الأساسي هو تحقيق الاستقلال المالي والحرية, وتابعنا التعليم الذاتي واكتسبنا خبرة واسعة في سوق الفوركس كوسيلة لتحقيق أسلوب حياة مستدام ذاتيًا.