Default InstaForex Loprais Team: the NewDakarFavourite


InstaForex Loprais Team: the New "Dakar" Favourite

InstaForex Loprais Team: the New "Dakar" Favourite
Instadivisas international broker is happy to inform its clients and partners of having formed its own rally team "InstaForex Loprais Team" which is to partake in the fabulous Dakar Rally raids.

The contract on the new team was signed by member of the family of Dakar Rally champions Ales Loprais and Instadivisas deputy director Dmitry Savchenko. This is the landmark in the history of both Instadivisas Company and the Loprais family. Following the birth of "InstaForex Tornado" mix fight team, InstaForex family has been celebrating the appearance of its own rally team, so professional and ambitious!

Default InstaForex Loprais Team: the New "Dakar" Favourite 1

"InstaForex Loprais Team" was not started from scratch - it is based on all-time participant of Dakar Rally Tatra team, which is a strong prerequisite to "InstaForex Loprais Team" leadership from the very first raids. "InstaForex Loprais Team" sports experience in combination with its principle to always achieve the set goals are true driving forces of the team which will undoubtedly bring it to glorious victories in Dakar Rally and many other raids.

Instadivisas Company calls its clients and partners for more profound discovering of such cutting edge sports type as Dakar Rally raids and for supporting the new team of leaders "InstaForex Loprais Team". The future has many victories and surprises in store for "InstaForex Loprais Team"! Keep up with news releases on the newly-formed team.

Cheer for with InstaForex, win with InstaForex!

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