
Autor: baseforex (2010.08.04 14:29)
descargado: 7352
MACD_Not_So_Simple 1
MACD_No_Tan_Muestra.mq4 (6.3 Kb) Vista
MACD_Not_So_Simple 2





MACD_Not_So_Simple 3

8 comentarios Para publicar un nuevo comentario, por favor acceso o registro

If you try to test it from 01/2009 su depósito será despedido
06.02.2011 06:36 alexds

If your symbol is "EURUSD millones", you need to modify the code to get this to trade.


si (Símbolo() != "EURUSD")


si (Símbolo() != "EURUSD millones")

22.12.2010 14:08 jeysun

set it up last monday and it hasnt trade till now
13.08.2010 07:48 richdad711

Hola, thanks for the EA, but it seems it just doesnt trade at all with the default set up.
You should use a right Symbol: "EURUSD"  and right Período:  It should be H4"

Sorry but it didn't trade. I'm on 4 dígitos.

I am on a 4 digit too. What about any other EA? What dilling company are you in?

11.08.2010 14:51 baseforex

Hola, thanks for the EA, but it seems it just doesnt trade at all with the default set up.
You should use a right Symbol: "EURUSD"  and right Período:  It should be H4"

Sorry but it didn't trade. I'm on 4 dígitos.

09.08.2010 23:14 tornado_gr5

Hola, thanks for the EA, but it seems it just doesnt trade at all with the default set up.
You should use a right Symbol: "EURUSD"  and right Período:  It should be H4"
09.08.2010 00:08 baseforex

Hola, thanks for the EA, but it seems it just doesnt trade at all with the default set up.

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