El comerciante en pijama: Cómo aumentar drásticamente sus ganancias comerciales


The Trader in Pajamas: How to drastically boost your trading profits 1

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My name is Dan Anderson, pero soy más conocido como El Comerciante en Pijamas. Así es, trabajo desde casa., comerciar mientras uso pijama y pantuflas y gano muchísimo más que cualquier otro 9-5 I ever had to experience in my life.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. For the past 7 years I was working as a programmer for one of the largest forex trading software companies. At the beginning, I was working on the development of their Forex platform, which I mastered over the course of 3 años. I was so good at what I did that one day my manager transferred me to working on the development of a top-secret project, which us programmers used to call “binomial trading.” It was only later that I found that we were actually working on the development of what you might know today as “Binary Options.”

During my years at the company, I was involved in the ins and outs of the development of binary options. My job was being a “Loophole Tester” – I was supposed to constantly test the binary options software in order to make sure there was no way someone could gain an edge and consistently generate profits.

I was given a real money account with endless trial and error opportunities. I literally lost about $136,512,456.45 using that account to try and beat the system. At that point I was convinced the system was indeed impossible to beat.

That was all, until one day I tried utilizing an extremely simple mathematical rule that took me 20 minutes to learn during another one of those boring statistics classes. I used this rule to develop a system. Por supuesto, this system didn’t bring back the whole $136,512,456.45 – but hey! I was able to generate about $10K every week, for the whole 6 months I was testing it, until one day our headquarters decided the development stage was over, and sent all of us software testers home.

Since I got...

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The Trader in Pajamas: How to drastically boost your trading profits 2

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Autor: Equipo Wiki de Forex
Somos un equipo de comerciantes de Forex altamente experimentados [2000-2023] que se dedican a vivir la vida en nuestros propios términos. Nuestro principal objetivo es lograr la independencia financiera y la libertad., y hemos buscado la autoeducación y adquirido una amplia experiencia en el mercado Forex como nuestro medio para lograr un estilo de vida autosostenible..