Instrument 2 [ tu ]

Instrument 2 [ tu ]
Autor: Denis Orlov (2010.04.22 18:44)
descargado: 2736
Instrument 2 [ ru ] 1
Instrument.mq4 (7.1 Kb) Vista

Displaying of candles of any instrument, synchronisation on bars or on days.
The indicator gives the convenience to trace the relative movement of currencies.
This is the improved version of that:


The indicator allows to level its shart concerning the original shart. For this purpose it is necessary to select with a mouse red "handle" and to move it under Bajo of a desired bar of the original shart. The indicator's shart will be levelled with this point when the new tic come or after a command to Update.

Instrument 2 [ ru ] 2

Besides, function Synchronization on days is added: DaySynch which allows to level the indicator's shart automatically on the first bar of each day.

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