Aroon Oscillator

Aroon Oscillator [ tu ]
Autor: Coleccionista (2008.08.31 13:50)
Clasificación: 5
descargado: 3677
Aroon Oscillator 1
Aroon Oscillator_v1.mq4 (4.7 Kb) Vista
The oscilator rapidly discovers the end of the price trend and the beginning of the price movement in a horizontal interval and reverse. The Aroon Oscillator is calculated as a difference between the Aroon Up and the Aroon Down. The strongly rising trend is expected when the value of the Aroon Oscillator is between 40 y 100. The intense descending trend can be expected when the Aroon Oscillator keeps its values between -40 y -100.
A simple and clear decision making while working with the Aroon Oscillator is: buy when the oscillator moves from the negative region to the positive one, sell in the opposite situation.
Aroon Oscillator 2

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