BO [ tu ]

BO [ tu ]
Autor: Bookkeeper (2009.01.22 08:32)
descargado: 1995
BO [ ru ] 1
BO.mq4 (2.7 Kb) Vista
BO [ ru ] 1 NavelSMA.mq4 (2.4 Kb) Vista
It appeared occasionally, in a manner of speaking, it is a byproduct. The basis of it is the position of the NavelSMA moving in relation to two SMA movings drawn by the HIGHs and LOWs of the bars. I usually use the NavelXXX movings instead of the standard ones by Close, because I has added all four parameters (O, H, L, C) in their calculation, they're are slightly smoother and they "rattle" less on the zero bar.

I was very surprised when obtained the picture. If you want to experience the same place the BO and AO one below the other on a single window. It turns out that "all roads lead to Rome"? I didn't try to find out what is better, what is worse and what is the difference, it's been born so may it live.

Compile both files, NavelSMA is called through the BO via the iCustom().

BO [ ru ] 3

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