Candle Closing Time RemainingCCTR [v2]

Candle Closing Time Remaining - CCTR [v2]
Autor: Arshen (2013.11.25 09:35)
descargado: 248
Candle Closing Time Remaining - CCTR [v2] 1
Candle-Closing-Time-Remaining-(CCTR).mq4 (3.8 Kb) Vista

Candle Closing Time Remaining - (CCTR) [v2]

Candle Closing Time Remaining (CCTR) is an indicator which displays the remaining time for an open candle to be closed.


  • Changable color and size
  • Changable location (Corners)
  • Display Server Time (on OR off) [From version 2]
  • Clean code

Screen Shots:

The indicator will be shown as follows in the weekly time frame:

candle closing time remaining - weekly

The indicator will be shown as follows in the top-left location:

candle closing time remaining - left-top

Usability Tips:

- You can change the location of display time, by setting the "location" Input field as follows:

- set location '0' : To be displayed in comment in the top-left part of the chart.
- set location '1' : To be displayed in the top-right part of the chart.
- set location '2' : To be displayed in the bottom-left part of the chart.
- set location '3' : To be displayed in the bottom-right part of the chart.

- You can on or off server time displaying by setting "displayServerTime" como sigue: [v2]

- set '0' : display server time.
- set '1' : don't display server time.

Change log:

- adding an input field to display server time. [v2]
- display candle closing time remaining. [v1]

Have a good trade 😉

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