Constant Range Detector

Constant Range Detector
Autor: archivo45 (2013.12.23 12:20)
descargado: 9
Constant Range Detector 1
0 - Constant Range Detector - v2.mq4 (2.2 Kb) Vista
Indicador: Constant Range Size
  • Detects and displays the fixed size of the Constant Range.
  • Fast and easy identification of chart parameters facilitates trading efficiency.

Nota: This indicator is intended for use with Constant Range (Synthetic) Bars/Candles, not Standard Bars/Candles.

  1. Constant Range Candles and Charts are also referred to as Range Bars (RB) and Range Bar Charts.
  2. Constant Range Bars/Candles all have the same fixed range value from high to low.
  3. Note for newbies: A Constant Range offline charts is generated from a Scripts, or Indicators, or Expert Advisor running on a M1 chart.
  4. Abundant additional information is available on the internet.

Constant Range size calculation: Alto - Bajo.

Oro. M2(desconectado): 1234.9 - 1232.4 = 2.5

Constant Range Detector 2

Problema: sin garrapatas !

  1. Often the Constant Range Offline Chart is created by an EA.
  2. Los EA dependen de los ticks y cuando los mercados están cerrados no hay ticks.
  3. With no ticks Constant Range Charts will not update to new Range Sizes and other inputs.

Solution: a Tick Generator - GRATIS - AQUÍ . Also helps when testing in quiet - tick scarce - mercados.


  • Text - CR;
  • Font_Color - DodgerBlue;
  • Tamaño de fuente - 11;
  • Font_Bold - verdadero;
  • Left_Right - 25;
  • Up_Down - 150;
  • Corner - 1;

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