
Fractal_Level_Xrust [ tu ]
Autor: xrust (2008.08.21 10:04)
descargado: 4414
Fractal_Level_Xrust 1
Fractal_Level_Xrust_V2.mq4 (7.0 Kb) Vista
Fractal_Level_Xrust 1 Fractal_Level_Xrust.mq4 (6.4 Kb) Vista
It draws the horizontal lines at the level of the last fractal upwards and downwards.

Fractal_Level_Xrust 3

List of external variables:

extern int TimeFrame=0;//If=0, then the current TF, or TF in minutes, the levels of fractal will be taken from this TF;
extern int Distanse=0;//The distance between the line and the fractal in points, if the value is negative then the shift is inside, if positive - outside;
extern string FrApNam="Ap";//The name of the line that corresponds the fractal upwards;
extern string FrDnNam="Dn";//The name of the line that corresponds the fractal downwards;
extern color ClAp=Blue;//The color of the line that corresonds the fractal upwards;
extern color ClDn=Red;//The color of the line that corresonds the fractal downwards;
extern bool comment=true;//Permission to comment;

The added version, cambios:

The separate distances for the top and the bottom line

Removes the lines if the market position appears, the filtration by the magic number is possible.

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