Heiken Ashi w/ Doji Spotter

Heiken Ashi w/ Doji Spotter
Autor: metacitas (2011.07.28 15:29)
descargado: 6780
Heiken Ashi w/ Doji Spotter 1
HeikenAshi_DojiSpotter.mq4 (6.7 Kb) Vista

Original Author:


Modified By:

Tim Welch


This is the standard Heiken Ashi, but with the option to spot Dojis and color them differently.

Básicamente, if the body of the candle is less than a certain percentage of the total range for that candle, then it's a doji. That's the premise behind this. A Doji for Heiken Ashi is typically almost no body at all, with a long head and tail. I default the value to 10% of the total range, but I personally have been testing with the value at 4%. YMMV.


Heiken Ashi w/ Doji Spotter 2


Heiken Ashi w/ Doji Spotter 3

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