
Highest - Lowest
Autor: lococo (2011.07.26 10:29)
descargado: 4789
Highest - Lowest 1
Highest-Lowest.mq4 (2.6 Kb) Vista


After a while, searching the MQL4 community looking for an explanation on how to calculate the highest and lowest values for a data series over "norte" barras; I end up with this indicator that display exactly that.

There are various post explaining how to use iHighest and iLowest, i acknowledge all of them. This is just an application of it that suited my needs.

Feel free to use it and modify it.


Highest - Lowest 2



There is another indicator I think doing the same called i-HighLow

//|                                                    i-HighLow.mq4 |
//|                                          Derechos de autor © 2007, RickD |    
//|                                       Александър Пламенов Рядков |
//|                                            http://www.e2e-fx.net |
#derechos de autor de propiedad "© 2007 RickD"
#enlace de propiedad      "www.e2e-fx.net"
#define major 1
#define minor 0
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1  Gold
#property indicator_color2  DodgerBlue
extern int N = 20;
extern int N2 = 5;
double UpperBuf[];
double LowerBuf[];
//|                                                                  |
void init()
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
   SetIndexDrawBegin(0, N);
   SetIndexDrawBegin(1, N);
   SetIndexBuffer(0, UpperBuf);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, LowerBuf);
//|                                                                  |
void deinit() 
//|                                                                  |
void start() 
   int counted = IndicatorCounted();
   si(counted < 0) 
       devolver (-1);
   si(counted > 0) 
   int limit = Bars - counted;
   para(int i = 0; i < límite; i++) 
       UpperBuf[i] = iHigh(NULO, 0, iHighest(NULO, 0, MODE_HIGH, N, 
                           i)) + N2*Point;
       LowerBuf[i] = iLow(NULO, 0, iLowest(NULO, 0, MODE_LOW, N, i)) - 

Choose for N2 "0" and you have the same. Ver http://codebase.mql4.com/1099

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