Indicator ‘CurrencyIs a Useful Program

Indicator 'Currency' Is a Useful Program [ tu | cn ]
Autor: kharko (2008.02.28 10:12)
descargado: 1884
Indicator 'Currency' Is a Useful Program 1
Currency.mq4 (4.3 Kb) Vista
The indicator-informer Currency prints and writes into a file the following information:
1. par de divisas;
2. the price of one lot in a deposit currency, es decir. value of margin when a position of 1-lot volume is opened for a chosen pair;
3. maximal lot volume possible for this currency pair with a set percent of balance and spread taken into account (stick to Money Management).

There are only two parameters in the indicator:
verdadero - information is shown for all currency pairs (28 pares);
FALSO - information is shown for the current security.

Procent - desired percentage of balance.

The following tasks are solved:

1. choosing the optimal currency pair in terms of costs;

2. calculating margin and spread costs;

3. stick to MM of your strategy.

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Hi Kharko,
I really like the concept of your indicator and it is something I have been looking for.
Desafortunadamente, when I attach it to a chart MT4 hangs.

Perhaps it has something to do with the settings being in another language?

Indicator 'Currency' Is a Useful Program 2

The variable 'Zametki1' has a setting of 'ÇÀÏÈÑÜ Â ÔÀÉË ÏÐÎÈÇÂÎÄÈÒÑß Â ÌÎÌÅÍÒ ÍÀÁÐÀÑÛÂÀÍÈß ÍÀ ÃÐÀÔÈÊ. ÔÀÉË ÍÀÕÎÄÈÒÑß experts\files' so I'm guessing an english system can not understand it...?

salud, drayzen

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