LSMA in Color

LSMA in Color [ tu | cn ]
Autor: El escritor (2008.06.20 12:34)
descargado: 9354
LSMA in Color 1
LSMA in Color.mq4 (3.5 Kb) Vista
Autor: FX Sniper

The indicator is build on the basis of moving averages. Its main feature is entering/leaving signal - the indicator's line is colored in a certain color signaling for the user to buy or to sell. The accuracy of the signal is very high. If even you don't enter the market using this indicator, it will ideally suit you to help close your positions.

LSMA in Color 2

The indicator catches practically the entire trend. Sin embargo, it is not very good at flat market. Esta es la razón por, when closing a position by this indicator's signal, you will have the largest profit entering a "tendencia" posición.

Besides, when entering a position, you will always follow the trend. This high spot makes it even more attractive.

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