Multi Moving Average [ tu ]

Multi Moving Average [ tu ]
Autor: Alex5757000 (2009.12.18 14:22)
descargado: 5982
Multi Moving Average [ ru ] 1
Alex5757000 - Multi Moving Average.mq4 (11.5 Kb) Vista




Multi Moving Average - is an indicator which shows the information about 4 Moving Averages in a separate window.

You can change the input parameters in the Indicator Properties window for any of the moving averages:

  • Averaging Period (período).
  • Averaging Method (ma_method).
  • The price type used for calculation (applied_price).

Multi Moving Average [ ru ] 2

and many options for text labels:

Multi Moving Average [ ru ] 3


It has been created to "unload" the price chart (especially of the Moving Averages), but save the useful information.

1. It shows the current state of the moving averages - rise or fall (using the different colors for boxes/arrow)

2. It show the currrent state of the moving averages relative to the price (or Moving Average with period 1) - is it above or below (using the different colors for text labels)

Entonces, configuring the Moving Averages periods, it is possible to understand the market trend without using the moving averages on the price chart!


Multi Moving Average [ ru ] 4


If you have questions to improve the indicator, please send a mí the private message.

Editor's remark:

Note that it's a mirror translation of the original Russian version.

If you have any questions to the author, suggestions or comments, it's better to post them allá.

If you have found this code useful for trading or educational purposes, don't forget to thank author.

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