Indicador de posiciones abiertas [ tu ]

Indicador de posiciones abiertas [ tu ]
Autor: rainal (2009.11.23 14:41)
descargado: 2828
Opened positions indicator [ ru ] 1
#_indicate_orders.mq4 (5.7 Kb) Vista


It shows a brief information about all of the positions opened.

It can be useful, if yours expert advisor trades many positions simultaneously.

During the debug of my expert advisor I have found that there is a problem to analyse all of the positions opened. It can be solved in the following way:

1) Positions should be grouped by direction

2) Profit and Loss positions should be separated visually.

3) The total profit/loss values of several positions should be grouped by direction

Entonces, I have developed a function that solves this problem.


Opened positions indicator [ ru ] 2

The header contain: dirección, number of positions with same direction, total volume, total profit. The same is for the positions.

You can find the function in the file attached, maybe it can be useful.


Editor's remark:

Note that it's a mirror translation of the original Russian version.

If you have any questions to the author, suggestions or comments, it's better to post them allá.

If you have found this code useful for trading or educational purposes, don't forget to thank author

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