Calculadora de punto de pivote


Calculadora de punto de pivote


Puntos de pivote, woodie and fibonacci levels automatically updated on a daily basis. Provides useful forex info for 16 currency pairs including the majors: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY and USD/CHF.

How to use Pivot Point Calculator

1. Pivot is an important value here.
2. Look at the price of stock/underlying at 10:25-10:30 soy. (half hour after market opens)
3. For Resistance and support values, tu puedes elegir normal values o fibonacci values. Both give good results. It depends upon you which suits you.
4. Keep a target of 0.75% o 1%. Put Stoploss of 0.5%.

  1. 5. There are various scenarios which can occur at 10:25-10:30 soy.
    1. The price is below the Pivot but above S1.
    En este escenario, you should buy the stock/underlying above Pivot (If price reaches above Pivot) and sell below S1(if the prcies goes below S1).
    2. The price is above Pivot but below R1.
    En este escenario, you should buy the stock/underlying above R1 (if the price reaches above R1) and sell below Pivot(if the price goes below Pivot).
    3. The price is very near to pivot (+/- 0.02%)
    En este escenario, you should buy the stock/underlying above R1 (if the price reaches above R1) and sell below S1(if the price reaches below S1).
    4. The price is between R1 and R2.
    En este escenario, you should buy the stock/underlying above R2 (if the price reaches above R2) and sell below Pivot(if the price reaches below Pivot). the important here is not to sell below R1. You must sell below Pivot.
    5. The price is between S1 and S2.
    En este escenario, you should buy the stock/underlying above Pivot (if the price reaches above Pivot) and sell below S2(if the price reaches below S2). The important here is not to buy above S1, buy only above pivot.
    6. The price is between S2 and S3.
    Same rule applies as rule 5. Buy above pivot sell below S3.
    7. The price is between R2 and R3.
    Same rule applies as rule 4. Buy above R3 sell below Pivot.



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