Trend Indicator for several timeframes [ tu ]

Trend Indicator for several timeframes [ tu ]
Autor: cmillion (2009.11.10 10:30)
descargado: 4940
Trend Indicator for several timeframes [ ru ] 1
Trend_all_period_en.mq4 (8.8 Kb) Vista


Vladimir Hlystov


The indicator shows a trend table for a several timeframes in the bottom left corner of the chart.

Often before the position opening the trader examines several timeframes to determine the current trend and to find the confirmations of his own intentions.

This procedure may take a long time and always there is possibility for the mistake in the trend determination.

I would like to suggest to use this indicator. It examines all of the timeframes using the different ways of trend determination and gives the general statement in the matrix form in the chart corner.

Hay 4 types for the trend determination are used:

0 - on indicator of the offset
1 - a price more or less average + offset
2 - on MA 5/13/34 (cuando 5 arriba 13 y 34 - trend is upward, cuando 5 abajo 13 y 34 - trend is downward, if it between 13 y 34 - it's flat)
3 - a way for the trend determination using MACD 5/34/5

If you want to add your own method, please write me.


Trend Indicator for several timeframes [ ru ] 2

Higo 1. The trend matrix for JPY

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