Waddah Attar Trend

Waddah Attar Trend
Autor: wadhahattar (2007.03.07 11:27)
descargado: 14748
Waddah Attar Trend 1
Waddah_Attar_Trend.mq4 (2.6 Kb) Vista
Indicator Waddah Attar Trend is very simple , very easy to use and very sensetive to buy and sell signals.

Just buy when green and sell when red. You can use it on any timeframe, but watch your targets and stops.

Waddah Attar Trend 2
5 comentarios Para publicar un nuevo comentario, por favor acceso o registro

Hola, here is the Waddah Attar Trend EA.
14.10.2008 03:23 funyoo

Please how do i subscribe or get a trial for the waddahattar, green buy,red sell, señal.
27.04.2007 16:25 samuelonboard

Please how do i subscribe or get a trial for the waddahattar, green buy,red sell, señal.
27.04.2007 16:20 samuelonboard

Thank you for this interesting indicator. I have a couple of questions, and I can't seem to find an FAQ or other explanation for each of the 4 values, how to read them, what each value represents, or the formula for each. Is there a forum or chat string I'm missing here? Also for the Explosion. Especially the incessant audible alerts and explanations of each alert. Gracias.
23.03.2007 20:04 prairiebladerun

For more power signals you can merge this indicator with Advanced_ADX indicator

Like that

Waddah Attar Trend 3

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