Panel de control Geko/GiG CCfp-Diff


TODO EL CRÉDITO VA A GEKO ,el desinteresado , trabajo duro , codificador generoso y realmente experto y comerciante capacitado que codificó el panel Geko/Gig CCfp de forma gratuita para los comerciantes que compran y venden el sistema CCfp-Diff y las personas interesadas en comprarlo y venderlo..

The aim of this thread is for Gig CCfp-Diff dashboard customers and people interested by utilizing the Gig CCfp-Diff Dashboard to share concepts on how they commerce the Gig CCfp Dashboard and share outcomes of the Geko/Gig CCfp Dashboard
The Dashboard has some wonderful ideas inbuilt:
- A Particular Basket administration
- Some new methods to commerce Digital Baskets.The attractive factor about this Dashboard is that it screens and shows the beginning pips , minimal pips , most pips and ending pips for the digital basket..
- A mode to commerce the Dashboard semi manually
-ADR SL and TP for indivdual trades and likewise ADR SL and TP for baskets.
And several other different beneficial options

Connected is the Gig CCfp Dashboard EA and pdf person information for the CCfp Dashboard.. Lets have enjoyable exploring this wonderful Dashboard and make some cash as nicely..

To be able to get acquainted with GiG CCfp Dashboard , I counsel you learn the pdf person information and play with the Dashboard again and again till you become familiar with it.They are saying apply makes man excellent and thats precisely what I did once I began utilizing this Dashboard the primary time..Inexperienced pips to you all..

My weekly baskets had been opened on fifth July after the vacations ..
Ajustes 1 = Weekly alerts commerce degree 5,6,7,8,9,10 TREND FILTER ON .. FF ,PIE , TF .Beforehand weekly and month-to-month candle filter for all .Baskets opened 1hour after LO.
Ajustes 2 = Weekly alerts commerce degree 5,6,7,8,9,10 TREND FILTER OFF .. FF ,PIE , TF .Beforehand weekly and month-to-month candle filter for all .Baskets opened 1hour after LO.
Imágenes conectadas (haga clic en para agrandar)
Información conectada
File Type: ex4 ! - !-Curro-!--Panel-05.ex4 621 KB | 223 descargas
File Type: pdf CCFp Dashboard Person Information V.1.14.pdf 4.8 MEGABYTE | 461 descargas

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