Negociar los pares GBP durante la decisión del Brexit

Este hilo es solo para personas que compran y venden pares de libras esterlinas durante la decisión del Brexit.. El diálogo podría centrarse en establecer operaciones de alto riesgo desde niveles técnicos clave..

El calendario del Brexit para esta semana se muestra con las fechas clave.

I might be posting my charts to indicate from the place I believe it might be greatest to purchase the GBP since I don't assume that the U.Okay will depart and not using a deal.

That pairs that I might be buying and selling this week are:



1. If the vote by March 12 passes, then purchase GBP.

2. If the vote by March 12 fails, then look forward to the March 13 votar. If the March 13 vote fails, then look forward to March 14 votar. If the March 14 vote passes, then purchase GBP.

GBP pairs will be very risky and it's required to have a large cease. The value can be influenced by financial information releases or different information this week.

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