Default Miss Insta Asiabeauty contest by InstaForex


Test your beauty power in "Miss Insta Asia" contest
InstaForex company is glad to inform you about its new project - Miss Insta Asia. Project Miss Insta Asia is a beuty contest which does not have analogues in the global net. This contest is absolutely open as for potential participants so for users who will leave votes for girls. The target audience of the contest is citizens of the Asian region. Namun, this does not mean that only Asian women may participate in the contest. We will be glad if girls and women from different parts of the world will take part in the contest.

Besides, project Miss Insta Asia has a goal to attract more traders and try the best trading conditions of the international broker InstaForex by means of so beautiful and intriguing project.

Itu prize fund of the contest is $30,000. The contest will be holding till September 1st,2010.

If you are a citizen of one of the 49 Asian countries test your beauty force in the contest Miss Insta Asia.

InstaForex company invites girls and women to take part in the contest and wish good luck to everybody.

Learn more about the contest Miss Insta Asia and register in the contest as a participant or user you may at the contest web-site.

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