Brother2 is the separate indicator for each currency pair and each forex broker

Brother2 is the separate indicator for each currency pair and each forex broker
Pengarang: puncher (2009.12.23 10:16)
Peringkat: 10
Diunduh: 5119
Brother2 is the separate indicator for each currency pair and each forex broker 1 (2.0 Kb)
Brother2 is the separate indicator for each currency pair and each forex broker 2 Brother2.mq4 (17.3 Kb) Melihat




You have many informations about the MARKET and CURRENCY in ONE SUBWINDOW


Brother2 is the separate indicator for each currency pair and each forex broker 3




  • Every currency pair and every BROKER
  • You don't need change anything I think

I have also added the template to take nice effect for this indicator - brother2.tpl ( file - unzip it to {drive letter}:\Program files\{Meta trader folder}\template)

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