Bahasa Inggris V1 Fibo Warisan Pengungkapan- rahasia Forex


Bahasa Inggris V1 Fibo Warisan Pengungkapan- rahasia Forex

Step to attract or measure the market utilizing fibo warisan :

1 – Temukan tanda terbesar tempat persilangan Ma5 warna Kuning dan Biru ( informasi sebelumnya Vs Tutup )
2- Turunkan TF dari merchandise TF no. 1 . Test both the AO ( superior oscillator
Have 2 parts of Hill and valley . If the stated TF doesn’t include these Hill and valley,
go to smaller TF and discover the require AO.

2- Turunkan TF dari merchandise TF no. 1 . Test both the AO ( superior oscillator
Have 2 parts of Hill and valley . If the stated TF doesn’t include these Hill and
lembah, go to smaller TF and discover the require AO.

2A- Turunkan TF dari merchandise TF no. 1 . Test both the AO ( superior oscillator )
Have 2 parts of Hill and valley . If the stated TF does’t include these Hill and
lembah, Go to smaller TF and discover the require AO.

3- Begin measure from the TF that consist Hill and valley . Mark vertical line The
AO bar proper after inexperienced bar ( Hill website for draw the promote market )

4- To know both market proceed to 423% or simply cease at 261%…Pls return to Sign TF
And examine the road of Ma5 low both contact or hit 261%…If Ma5 purple doest not contact the
Fibo 261% implies that market gained proceed to 423% .

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