Metode Perdagangan Gorilla


Hai sobat pedagang,

Gorila sangat lincah dalam berpindah dari satu tangkai ke tangkai lainnya dan itu seperti jual beli di pasar FX, kita harus gesit dalam membuka posisi agar target kita tercapai dan kita bisa mengurangi kerugian.
Umumnya, namun tidak sering, in a day I open 2 reverse positions if all 4 indicators ask me to do it. My goal varies from 30 to a most of 80 pips (or R3 / S3 has been reached) per transaction and Cease loss is 30 pips.
I depend on Pivot, Ema 30, 15 Dan 4 and the time-frame is 1 jam.
I name this methodology the Gorilla Method and I've no intention of harassing gorilla / monkey lovers.

As a result of I depend on Pivot as one of many vital indicators, I'm not buying and selling on Monday (Until the market could be very trending).
Let us take a look at alternatives within the USD / JPY pair.
Helps :
So how can the right type of the chart be trusted to generate income?
Jawabannya adalah :
Tanda JUAL:
1. Right now's pivot should be decrease than yesterday's Pivot.
2. EMA 4 <15 <30
3. Enter instantly when the worth turns round EMA30
4. Maintain watching the motion from EMA4 after the final candle is closed.
5. If EMA4 comes to chop EMA15 then instantly exit when the candle is closed.
6. If all is clean then all EMAs will occupy their respective positions.
7. If the worth has reached S2 and there are some candles that aren't in a position to penetrate the decrease restrict, then meaning Help in that space could be very robust. My recommendation is that it's best to instantly exit.
8. The goal is S3. No have to take dangers to get larger income as a result of in S3 often a variety of merchants will take income (that means the worth will appropriate upwards and
your income will lower).
Gambar Terhubung
The Gorilla Trading Method 1

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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Forex
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah mengejar pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.