プライスアクション 5 – 本業を続けながら安定した利益をもたらす強力な取引戦略


プライスアクション 5 - 本業を続けながら安定した利益をもたらす強力な取引戦略

Price Action 5 - A Powerful Trading Strategy That Will Bring You Consistent Profits While You Keep Your Day Job 1
Download Price Action 5 - 本業を続けながら安定した利益をもたらす強力な取引戦略
If You're Frustrated With Your Forex Trading... Then This Powerful Strategy Will Have You Making Money In Just A Few Days...

Give me the next 67 seconds and I will prove to you that I can turn your trading around in just the next few days...

a) You've tried a number of strategies but they never quite seem to work as well as you expected them to - but you feel close to success?

b) You work full-time, and know that if you just had more time to learn a good strategy and trade it, you would really be on your way to consistent profits?

c) You have realised that trading is not quite as easy as finding a 'robot' or 'automated' system - but you've not been able to find a trading strategy that you are really confident in?

Whichever of the above trader types that you feel closest to I know exactly what you're going through. I am personally going to guide you from where you are now to where you want to be with your trading. しかし...

I remember the feelings of hope and euphoria when I first discovered Forex, realising it was my route to a better life, and then having my dreams smashed like a wooden ship on rocks during a stormy night.

My hopes and dreams of quitting my job within a week, and trading Forex full-time, were ripped apart when I realised that the "guaranteed profit" systems I was buying were anything but guaranteed!

It looked so easy when others were showing trades they had taken with their systems - but when I tried it myself I ended up taking losing trade after losing trade.

Within a few days I was starting to make some progress (and profits!)... はい, you heard me right, I said days - not years or months or even weeks - but days!

わかった, I wasn't making hundreds of dollars a day, or even enough to quit my job (まだ!) - but constantly losing money in my trading was a thing of the past.

I no longer sat in front of the computer...


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Price Action 5 - A Powerful Trading Strategy That Will Bring You Consistent Profits While You Keep Your Day Job 2



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著者: 外国為替ウィキチーム
私たちは経験豊富な外国為替トレーダーのチームです [2000-2023] 自分の思いどおりに人生を生きることに専念している人. 私たちの主な目的は、経済的自立と自由を獲得することです, 私たちは自立可能なライフスタイルを実現する手段として、独学で外国為替市場での豊富な経験を積んできました。.