EA Flashin_Moment

Whats up everyone, i acquired this SYSTEM/EA from some one and that i must put it on proper right here for all to forward verify with me in ur respective mt4 seller to see if we generate related outcomes.
Attached is the SYSTEM/EA and it Arrange instruction.
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This is not a backtestable EA bcos it makes use of the current market state of affairs of many pairs carrying a single
international cash which u cannot get in backtest.
Attached is the Indicator and EA for 1hr chart

1 merely put it into the indicator folder, and restart MT4 u dont must put the indicator into the chart
the indicator establish ought to be because it's no leter must be added to it. ( iCybo_WK1_V1.03m_suffix2 )
2 put the ea into the expert folder
3 set the hazard money to 100 for every 1k no SL no TP ea will set that routinely.
4 set the money administration MM to true
5 set the hazard % 에게 0.0
6 set the ea into the 28 utterly completely different pairs and alter the magic number of ea in each chart

Attached Data
File Type: ex4 iCybo_WK1_V1.03m_suffix2.ex4 21 KB | 19 다운로드
File Type: ex4 Momentum_28_.ex4 48 KB | 18 다운로드

읽다  Trendline AutoPlot - 무료 버전

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평균 평점 0 / 5. 투표수: 0

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