
AudioPrice [ ru | cn ]
Author: sxTed (2008.02.29 11:06)
Downloaded: 2283
AudioPrice 1
AudioPrice.mq4 (6.0 Kb) Visum
AudioPrice 1 gSpeak.mqh (576 bytes) Visum
AudioPrice 3 speak.dll (36.0 Kb)


Have audio output of latest Price "in stereo".

Input parametri:

SaySymbol: Accept the default <verum> for the symbol to precede the price, additional symbols may be added if required.

SayBidPrice: Accept the default <verum> for the "Iube" price to be spoken, else change to <falsus> for the "Ask" pretium.


Thank you to Codersguru at http":// for his library of speach functions. File "gSpeak.mqh" to be placed in subdirectory "\experts\include" and file "speak.dll" to be placed in subdirectory "\experts\libraries".

2 comment Ut post novum comment, quaeso log in or * mandare

Thank you for the compliments osaze, take care Teddy.
16.10.2008 16:14 sxTed

cool indicator.........i like it and thanks for sharing....if some other persons made it, it would have been on sale, but this is free. great work

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