Doji Reader Indicator

Doji Reader Indicator
Author: Totom from MQL PROGRAMMING (2009.05.19 16:41)
Rating: 8.5
Downloaded: 5659
Doji Reader Indicator 1
Doji_Reader_1.0.mq4 (8.3 Kb) Visum
Doji Reader Indicator 1 Doji_Reader_2.mq4 (10.6 Kb) Visum

Version 1

1. Can read doji:
a. may set minimal length of uptail
b. may set minimal length of lowtail

2. Can read gravestone doji:
a. may set minimal length of uptail
b. may set maximal length of lowtail

3. Can read dragonfly doji:
a. may set maximal length of uptail
b. b. may set minimal length of lowtail

4. An alarm can pop up when new candle appeared if desired

Version 2


AnAlert: add true if you want to alerted when new doji appeared
ShowCandleBox: add true if you want to doji candle is appeared in a rectangle
BoxColor: add favorite color to colored rectangle
ShowStar: add true to show star above the candle
StarColor: add favorite color to colored star
StarWidth: add width size to adjust star width
ShowText: add true to show doji's name
FontColor: add favorite color to colored text
FontSize: add size of font
VerticalText: si verum est, text will show at vertical
MyBrokerHas5Digits: add true if use 5 digis
FindRegularDoji: if set to true, indicator will looking for it
MinLengthOfUpTail: minimal size for length of upper tail
MinLengthOfLoTail: minimal size for length of lower tail
MaxLengthOfBody: maximal size for length of body

FindDragonflyDoji: if set to true, indicator will looking for it
MaxLengthOfUpTail1: maximal size for length of upper tail
MinLengthOfLoTail1: minimal size for length of lower tail
MaxLengthOfBody1: maximal size for length of body

FindGravestoneDoji: if set to true, indicator will looking for it
MinLengthOfUpTail2: minimal size for length of upper tail
MaxLengthOfLoTail2: maximal size for length of lower tail
MaxLengthOfBody2: maximal size for length of body

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