Edited RVI indicator

Edited RVI indicator
Автор: I-bilbop (2009.07.10 09:25)
Скачано: 1613
Edited RVI indicator 1
[email protected] (3.5 Кб) Вид
Edited RVI indicator 1 [email protected] (4.6 Кб) Вид
Edited RVI indicator 1 [email protected] (5.3 Кб) Вид
Edited RVI indicator 4 forex.zip (6.2 Кб)
Currently Three versions,if drawing bug recompile it........(it repair indicator drawing)

forex.zip=complete pack with small helpers to orders[for private use must configure - легкий]

bilbop wrote:
yes this bug/is cannnot repaired/constantly bug/ recompile is must/if start chart or change time value/1M-5M-15M-30M-xxxxxx

srvi2: ln106 {; ln120};

15.07.2009 06:33 фххх

to better see trade signals with this indicator use this code:

int Window=1,TimePart=0; double MinValue=0.000331,MaxValue=0.086278;


yes this bug/is cannnot repaired/constantly bug/ recompile is must/if start chart or change time value/1M-5M-15M-30M-xxxxxx

another bug: do you have to compile it constantly? : ))))))))))))) (otherwise in a few seconds it does this):

Edited RVI indicator 5

Edited RVI indicator 6

15.07.2009 04:45 фххх

i got this (srvi1&2); is it that bug? (been recompiled - doesn't help)

Edited RVI indicator 7

Edited RVI indicator 8

15.07.2009 04:21 фххх

i today profit 684 EUR and less 80 евро

to understand:

this indicator calculcate better realtive values that RVI Indicator.

to profit:

if is yellow line under red line and is on most down position/now trend is up/ must open to buy,next if is up red line or most high position/must trend is down/must close and open diferrent

please i didn't understand this indicator

please some shart to understand

12.07.2009 00:12 amanykomy

yellow line=Price line;

red line=Middle/Center Line;

в 2 версия

yellow line=Price line;

red line=Middle/Center Line;

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