
SlopeDirection_MTF [ RU | Сп ]
Автор: асистем2000 (2008.02.25 16:36)
Скачано: 5339
SlopeDirection_MTF 1
SlopeDirection_MTF.mq4 (3.3 Кб) Вид
SlopeDirection_MTF 1 Slope Direction Line.mq4 (4.1 Кб) Вид
SlopeDirection_MTF 1 SlopeDirection_MTF_.mq4 (2.7 Кб) Вид
It is a simple indicator that supplements the existing Slope Direction Line.
It is on the basis of a multi-time indicator. That is why a basic indicator is necessary. It is attached below.

You can find the information about the system here:

The system uses the method of 3 экраны.

Nowadays the 3-screen method is often substituted by MultiTime indicators. The same can be done in this indicator.

Its settings are very simple.

SlopeDirection_MTF 4

P.S.. This MTF indicator can be used for the formation of multi-frame lines for any basic indicator.
The settings of your basic indicator must be of the same type as in the MTF indicator. The settings name does not matter.
In MTF indicator settings change the name into the name of your basic indicator.

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