Huge Income
ليکڪ: ڪرس 10 (2010.08.16 09:57)
ڊائون لوڊ ٿيل: 8372
ڊائون لوڊ ڪريو:
Huge Income 1
Huge Income.mq4 (1.3 Kb) ڏيک
Huge Income 2Huge Income 3Huge Income 4
8 تبصرا ھڪڙو نئون تبصرو پوسٽ ڪرڻ لاء, مهرباني ڪري لاگ ان يا رجسٽر

This EA is Bullshit
13.06.2011 20:16 sissia

Hi Chris,

Could you put the setting and whats the best pair for this EA?

Hi Chris,

Could you put the setting and whats the best pair for this EA?


seems to work on USD/JPY short term M30, just be careful, it will instantly place another order

25.04.2011 19:54 3940

"Changed code"

Tested? خير, I just can't belive the stats. بهرحال, you can add something like "رقم جو انتظام"... or just to ... انتظار ڪريو!

Was it 1 year test or 5 year test?

06.11.2010 23:29 26994

Changed code to allow optimisation and made relative to the current time frame instead of daily only.

extern double lot = 0.1;
extern double marketclosehour = 23; // on friday
extern double bval = 15;
extern double sval = 15;

int شروع()
double h1 = iHigh(NULL,0,0);
double l1 = iLow(NULL,0,0);
double o1 = iOpen(NULL,0,0);
جيڪڏهن ((بول>o1 && (o1-l1)>bval*Point) && OrdersTotal()<1 && ڪلاڪ()<22)
OrderSend(علامت(),OP_BUY,گهڻو,پڇڻ,0,0,0,"Easiest ever",0,0);

جيڪڏهن ((پڇڻ<o1 && (h1-o1)>sval*Point) && OrdersTotal()<1 && ڪلاڪ()<16)
OrderSend(علامت(),OP_SELL,گهڻو,بول,0,0,0,"Easiest ever",0,0);
لاءِ (int i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++)
جيڪڏهن (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TIME)==سچو)
جيڪڏهن (OrderType()==OP_BUY && ڪلاڪ()>marketclosehour-1)

جيڪڏهن (OrderType()==OP_SELL && ڪلاڪ()>marketclosehour-1)

29.09.2010 06:14 Yllintor

Has anyone got anything this guy posted to work?
01.09.2010 01:51 metalriff

hi the EA is good but then please put the CURRENCY pair in which ypu have tested and also the time frame on which it is tested ..
18.08.2010 10:17 ajayshar27

EA code is nice and simple code. I always like these one-block EA's.
ڊيڄاريندڙ: The site that Chris10 has listed inside the EA seems like a trojan ridden piece of crap. I would advise anyone not to go there because it is just for advertising and computer begins to go slow the second you arrive. I've gotten bugged this way in the past so...fair warning to fair people.

16.08.2010 20:50 LBranjord

Hi Chris,

Could you put the setting and whats the best pair for this EA?

هي پوسٽ ڪيترو مفيد هو?

ان کي ريٽ ڪرڻ لاء اسٽار تي ڪلڪ ڪريو!

سراسري درجه بندي 0 / 5. ووٽن جي ڳڻپ: 0

هن وقت تائين ڪوبه ووٽ ناهي! هن پوسٽ جي درجه بندي ڪرڻ لاء پهريون ٿيو.

اسان کي افسوس آهي ته هي پوسٽ توهان لاء مفيد نه هئي!

اچو ته هن پوسٽ کي بهتر بڻايون!

اسان کي ٻڌايو ته اسان هن پوسٽ کي ڪيئن بهتر ڪري سگهون ٿا?

ليکڪ: فاریکس وڪي ٽيم
اسان انتهائي تجربيڪار فاریکس واپارين جي ٽيم آهيون [2000-2023] جيڪي اسان جي پنهنجي شرطن تي زندگي گذارڻ لاءِ وقف آهن. اسان جو بنيادي مقصد مالي آزادي ۽ آزادي حاصل ڪرڻ آهي, ۽ اسان خود تعليم حاصل ڪئي آهي ۽ فاریکس مارڪيٽ ۾ وسيع تجربو حاصل ڪيو آهي جيئن اسان جو مطلب هڪ خودمختاري واري زندگي گذارڻ جي لاءِ آهي..