Triplo Pairs EA MT4 – مفت ڊائون لوڊ


Introduction Triplo Pairs EA

فاریکس واپار جي هميشه ترقي پذير نظارن ۾, staying ahead of the curve is paramount for success. Enter Triplo Pairs EA, an innovative trading solution developed under the "PULSE OF MARKET" project. This advanced system capitalizes on the unique fluctuations between AUD, CAD, and NZD currencies, offering traders a strategic advantage in the market. هن جامع ھدايت ۾, we delve into the intricacies of Triplo Pairs EA, ان جي خاصيتن جي ڳولا, فائدا, پيرا ميٽر, and requirements.


Triplo Pairs EA is meticulously designed to harness the historical tendencies of AUDCAD, AUDNZD, and NZDCAD pairs. Through in-depth analysis, it has been observed that these currency pairs often exhibit a pattern where the first moved pair after a rapid movement tends to revert. Leveraging this phenomenon, Triplo Pairs EA incorporates a grid-martingale system to optimize trading opportunities during these unique situations.

Triplo Pairs EA MT4 - Free Download 2

ٽيڪنيڪل وضاحتون

نسخو: 2.07
جاري ٿيڻ جو سال: 2024
ڪم ڪندڙ جوڙو: AUDCAD, AUDNZD, ۽ NZDCAD
تجويز ڪيل وقت: M15
گھٽ ۾ گھٽ جمع: $100
اڪائونٽ جي اوسط: 1:30 جي طرف 1:1000

بهترين بروکرز جي فهرست

Triplo Pairs EA works with any broker and any type of account, پر اسان سفارش ڪندا آهيون ته اسان جا گراهڪ انهن مان هڪ استعمال ڪريو مٿين فاریکس بروکرز هيٺ ڏنل فهرست:

بروکر جو نالورجسٽرسال قائم ٿيو هيڊ ڪوارٽر اُٿلائڻگھٽ ۾ گھٽ جمع ضابطو ڪرڻ
Triplo Pairs EA MT4 - Free Download 3رجسٽر2007
🇦🇺 آسٽريليا
🇨🇾 قبرص
🇧🇸 بهاماس
🇸🇿 سيشلز
1:1000$200ASIC, ايس سي بي, FSA
Triplo Pairs EA MT4 - Free Download 4رجسٽر2008
🇨🇾 قبرص
1:لامحدود$10CySEC, ايف سي اي, FSCA, FSA, BVI
Triplo Pairs EA MT4 - Free Download 5رجسٽر2009
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Triplo Pairs EA MT4 - Free Download 6رجسٽر2009
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Triplo Pairs EA MT4 - Free Download 7رجسٽر2009
🇨🇾 قبرص
🇦🇺 آسٽريليا
🇧🇿 بيلز
🇦🇪 امارات
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , IFSC
Triplo Pairs EA MT4 - Free Download 8رجسٽر2010
🇦🇺 آسٽريليا
1:500$200ايف سي اي , ASIC, ڊي ايف ايس اي
Triplo Pairs EA MT4 - Free Download 9رجسٽر2011
🇬🇧 انگلينڊ
Triplo Pairs EA MT4 - Free Download 10رجسٽر2006
🇪🇭 آئرلينڊ
1:400 $100سي بي آءِ, سي ايس اي سي, PFSA, ASIC, BVIFSC, ايف ايف اي جي, SAFSCA,ADGM, ايس اي

Triplo Pairs EA Settings

Triplo Pairs EA MT4 - Free Download 11

پيرا ميٽرز:

  • مختصر نالو: Customizable identifier for trade positions.
  • Print Logs On Chart: Option to display information panel on the chart.
  • Display Options: Adjustments for optimal display on different resolutions.
  • One Chart Setup Pairs: Selection of trading pairs, including suffix for each.
  • جادو: Unique identifier for trade positions.
  • No More Initial Trades: Focus solely on گرڊ واپاري حڪمت عملي, eliminating new initial trades.
  • Symbols Open Same Time: Control the number of symbols opened simultaneously.
  • Lot Sizing Method: Choose from various lot-sizing methods based on risk tolerance and account equity.
  • Deposit Load %: Adjust initial lot size based on account equity.

Lot Sizing Method: Triplo Pairs EA offers several lot-sizing methods tailored to individual risk preferences and account sizes:

  • Fixed Lot
  • گھٽ خطري 20% Annual
  • Mid Risk 40% Annual
  • Significant Risk 80% Annual
  • وڏو خطرو 120% Annual
  • Maxed Risk
  • Lots Based on Deposit Load %


  1. Real Account Monitoring: Gain real-time visibility into trading performance, enabling informed decision-making.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Triplo Pairs EA offers a more economical solution compared to other similar tools, making it accessible to a broader audience.
  3. Ease of Use: With simplified parameters and user-friendly interface, even novice traders can navigate Triplo Pairs EA effortlessly.
  4. Operational Flexibility: Trade on mini accounts with as little as 1 آمريڪي ڊالر, providing flexibility for traders with varying capital sizes.
  5. No Complicated Parameters: Say goodbye to convoluted settings; Triplo Pairs EA streamlines the trading process with straightforward parameters.


  1. Risk of Margin Requirements: While Triplo Pairs offers adaptive lot-sizing calculations, traders operating with low leverage (1:30 يا گهٽ) may encounter margin requirement issues on accounts with limited equity. This could potentially lead to margin calls or account liquidation if not managed carefully.
  2. Dependency on Specific Currency Pairs: Triplo Pairs EA is designed to focus exclusively on AUDCAD, AUDNZD, and NZDCAD pairs. نتيجتن, traders may face limitations in diversifying their portfolios, potentially missing out on opportunities in other currency pairs or asset classes.
  3. Sensitivity to Spread and Slippage: Despite recommendations to use a good ECN broker, Triplo Pairs remains sensitive to spread and slippage, which could impact trade execution and profitability, especially during volatile market conditions.
  4. Complexity of Martingale Strategy: While the grid-martingale system employed by Triplo Pairs EA can amplify gains during favorable market movements, اهو پڻ موروثي خطرو کڻندو آهي. Traders must exercise caution to avoid significant drawdowns, as successive doubling of positions to recover losses can escalate risk exposure rapidly.


  • Suffix Inclusion: Ensure suffixes are included in the setup pairs for accurate trading.
  • Broker Consideration: Utilize a reputable ECN broker to mitigate spread and slippage issues.
  • Continuous Operation: Triplo Pairs EA should run continuously to maximize trading opportunities.
  • Adaptive Lot-Sizing: Adjust lot sizes based on account equity and leverage to avoid margin requirement problems.

Triplo Pairs EA Results

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نتيجي ۾, Triplo Pairs EA stands as a game-changer in the realm of forex trading. With its strategic focus on AUD, CAD, and NZD currency pairs, coupled with advanced features and customizable parameters, it empowers traders to navigate the market with confidence. Whether you're a seasoned trader or a newcomer to the forex arena, Triplo Pairs EA offers a potent tool to elevate your trading journey.

By leveraging its advantages and adhering to the recommended parameters and requirements, traders can unlock the full potential of Triplo Pairs EA and embark on a path towards greater profitability in the forex market.

Download Triplo Pairs EA

مهرباني ڪري گهٽ ۾ گهٽ هڪ هفتي لاء ڪوشش ڪريو ICMarket ڊيمو اڪائونٽ. پڻ, پاڻ کي واقف ڪيو ۽ سمجھو ته اهو ڪيئن آهي مفت فاریکس اوزار ڪم ڪري ٿو هڪ لائيو اڪائونٽ تي استعمال ڪرڻ کان اڳ.

181.21 KB

هي پوسٽ ڪيترو مفيد هو?

ان کي ريٽ ڪرڻ لاء اسٽار تي ڪلڪ ڪريو!

سراسري درجه بندي 3.5 / 5. ووٽن جي ڳڻپ: 2

هن وقت تائين ڪوبه ووٽ ناهي! هن پوسٽ جي درجه بندي ڪرڻ لاء پهريون ٿيو.

اسان کي افسوس آهي ته هي پوسٽ توهان لاء مفيد نه هئي!

اچو ته هن پوسٽ کي بهتر بڻايون!

اسان کي ٻڌايو ته اسان هن پوسٽ کي ڪيئن بهتر ڪري سگهون ٿا?

ليکڪ: فاریکس وڪي ٽيم
اسان انتهائي تجربيڪار فاریکس واپارين جي ٽيم آهيون [2000-2023] جيڪي اسان جي پنهنجي شرطن تي زندگي گذارڻ لاءِ وقف آهن. اسان جو بنيادي مقصد مالي آزادي ۽ آزادي حاصل ڪرڻ آهي, ۽ اسان خود تعليم حاصل ڪئي آهي ۽ فاریکس مارڪيٽ ۾ وسيع تجربو حاصل ڪيو آهي جيئن اسان جو مطلب هڪ خودمختاري واري زندگي گذارڻ جي لاءِ آهي..