Giao dịch trên các chỉ số TST

Xin chào!Tôi muốn giới thiệu hệ thống giao dịch, dựa trên TST indicators.TST indicators - it's indicators, mà bạn thiết lập trên khung thời gian H1 trên cặp GBPUSD, EURUSD và USDCAD.
Các chỉ số cập nhật vào mỗi buổi sáng trước khi bắt đầu phiên giao dịch ở London. Tất cả các mức và tín hiệu được tính toán dựa trên chuyển động của tiền trên thị trường. Data for calculations gets from DailyBulletin of CME.Deals opening by rules of system. Closing in the same day or next day. Sometimes can happen long worked off(till 2-3 tuần)I will use indicators:
Trading on TST indicators 1

1) TST_Levels - shows important levels for today, such as Balance of the day, Borders of options channel. And shows day direction and tendency (from week wednesday to wednesday)
2) TST_Indexes - shows sentiment on market, Mua hoặc Bán.
3) TST_Ferrums - shows strong levels of offer and demand. Ít nhất, price stops on this levels, but usually goes to rebound. And level can be not today’s level.
4) TST_Market_power - shows the most possible direction of current day.

In this thread i will write how to trade using these indicators.

If you don't want to download indicators yet, then you can watch the everyday levels (for TST_Levels) from indicators here:

All indicators is absolutely free. Developed for MT4 terminal.
Download latest version of indicators you can đây or in attachment.

Full description of indicators:
1) TST_Levels - read;
2) TST_Indexes - read;
3) TST_Ferrums - read. Supports only GBPUSD and EURUSD.
4) TST_Market_Power - read and download

Latest version of indicators you always can download here.

Update from 30.01.2013 :

Add two indicators from middle and long-term trading. And for see tactical position of price.
TST_Global_Zone - shows global position of price in buy-sell zones (description).
TST_Monthly - shows monthly targets of price (description).

Update from 04.03.2013 :
Added new indicator:

TST Key Levels - shows strong buy-sell levels for current day. read description and download

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Alos on pound in friday was broken Day border of option channel. So in next few days i expecting comeback to level 1.5925.
[ống] [/ống]
You can download full archive with all new indicators TST đây, or in attachment to this message.
Tập tin đính kèm
File Type: rar TST_indicators_v3.55.rar 327 KB | 430 lượt tải xuống | Đã tải lên vào tháng 4 28, 2013 4:43là

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