Up and under price pattern


Hola, I name this pattern an "Up and Under" (I am a rugby fan) however you might have seen it with different names, "Quasimodo" on RTM, or as an "Over and Under pattern" defined very properly by Steve at NBT.

Name it no matter you need, however for those who're on the lookout for a price pattern to commerce you would possibly need to give it a glance.

It is a quite simple pattern so it is simpler if I clarify by charts, however clearly there are discretionary variables with the pattern that can be completely different for each dealer so this thread is mostly a 'pattern promo' for those who like, then you definitely guys discover out what works for you and hopefully go make some cash.

I hope merchants who already commerce this pattern will share their insights.

I've tried to make use of latest PA in these examples, I take advantage of the M30.

The charts

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Name: cT_cs_9348465_EURUSD_2013-08-27_15-12-42.png
Size: 54 KB


Imagen conectada (haga clic en para ampliar)
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Name: cT_cs_9348465_EURUSD_2013-08-27_16-54-37.png
Size: 60 KB
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