Th3Eng PipFinite PRO – 250% Profit Within 48 Hours


Th3Eng PipFinite PRO

The Th3Eng PipFinite indicator is based on an analysis of the right trend direction with perfect custom algorithms. It show the true direction and the best point to start trading. With StopLoss point and Three Take Profit points. Also it show the right pivot of the price and small points to order to replace the dynamic support and resistance channel, Which surrounds the price.

And Finally it draws a very helpful Box on the left side on the chart includes (take profits and Stop loss points prices, the fully current signal details).

How to trade
No complicated steps, Just follow 2 simple steps

#1 Open Position

Enter the signal when the indicator shows the arrow.
#2 Set Stop Loss

Exit the BUY signal on a new SELL signal.
Exit the SELL signal on a new BUY signal.
#3 Set Take Profit

Take Profit on TP1 line, And close your position.
Partial take profit on TP1 and close remaining position on TP2.
Close the position on the new opposite Signal.

General Setting
Factor: Is the sensitivity factor number of the indicator. That you can change it from 0.01 .

History: maximum number of bars used for calculation and drawing.

See also  Real Magic EA on TF 5M - Profit 300% Monthly

Draw Box: controls the visibility of the left side Box drawn on chart.

Draw Pivot Line: controls the visibility of pivot MA drawn on chart.

Alerts Section ==> controls the alert options enabled.

Th3Eng PipFinite V1
all TFAll currency pairs
All market indices

with 3TP + SL

Th3Eng PipFinite PRO - 250% Profit Within 48 Hours 1

Th3Eng PipFinite PRO - 250% Profit Within 48 Hours 2

Th3Eng PipFinite PRO - 250% Profit Within 48 Hours 3

Th3Eng PipFinite PRO - 250% Profit Within 48 Hours 4

Th3Eng PipFinite PRO - 250% Profit Within 48 Hours 5

Th3Eng PipFinite PRO - 250% Profit Within 48 Hours 6Th3Eng PipFinite PRO - 250% Profit Within 48 Hours 7



Th3Eng PipFinite V1






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