Best Forex News Trading Ea


Best Forex News Trading Ea

Best Forex News Trading Ea, a Professional and highly recommended tool for you We are glad that you are here today.

We create different types of Forex products from indicators to combo products. Today we share a professional and exclusive tool for NEWS trading. The main opportunity to get big Pips is news time. We would like to offer a nice device that helps to increase win trades and reduce news risks.

All options are available on the chart panel. You can easily change parameters and stay safe. Idea: chose news that probably will affect the Market a lot. There are many free services that provide news announcements (date & time) and possible Market effects (weak/medium/strong). Best way to choose just strong news.

All process takes just a few minutes. Even if you are busy - you may find a few mins for trading:

Step 1: Decide on a news time and a name or comment for yourself (use terminal time - Market watch)
Step 2: Determine the lot size and the distance in pips for future Buy/Sell stop orders (above/below the current price). 1 minute before the time you specified, two lines (blue and red) will appear on the X distance from the price. Lines will rise and fall in lockstep with the price on distant Pips.
Step 3: You get two halt orders 5 seconds before news time.
Step 4: You have the option of setting the cancellation time to seconds. It's set to 60 seconds by default. Both stop orders will be withdrawn in 60 seconds.

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If you get a BUY or SELL order, it will override any previous stop orders. You may create five news items, one for each day, each with its own remark and settings. There's no need to wait; simply choose a style and forget about it. Regardless, because news trading is a high-risk activity, we urge that you be near your computer during that period.

If you get a BUY or SELL order - it will cancel other stop orders. Chose days of the week (just if you want to set it up for WED news, you can simply do it on TUE) and enable the TSL option for extra safety. The broker should have low fees, low swaps, and also a fast server.

The broker should have low fees, low swaps, and also a fast server. The Trader Robot works with any broker and any type of account, but we recommend our clients use one of the best brokers listed below:

Best Brokers List :

BROKER NAMEREGISTERYear Founded Headquartered LeverageMinimum Deposit Regulating
Best Forex News Trading Ea 1Register2007
🇦🇺 Australia
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇧🇸 The Bahamas
🇸🇿 Seychelles
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, FSA
Best Forex News Trading Ea 2Register2008
🇨🇾 Cyprus
1:Unlimited$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, FSA, BVI
Best Forex News Trading Ea 3Register2009
🇧🇿 Belize
Best Forex News Trading Ea 4Register2009
🇧🇿 Belize
Best Forex News Trading Ea 5Register2009
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇦🇺 Australia
🇧🇿 Belize
🇦🇪 Emirates
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , IFSC
Best Forex News Trading Ea 6Register2010
🇦🇺 Australia
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
Best Forex News Trading Ea 7Register2011
🇬🇧 England
Best Forex News Trading Ea 8Register2006
🇪🇭 Ireland
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Best Forex News Trading Ea Features :

forex news trader ea

Option of free forex EA :

News time: set time for upcoming news.

Use MT4 time. Distance: set the distance in pips from the price to put stop orders Cancel sec: set the time in the seconds to cancel both stop orders Trading days: enable days you want to trade TakeProfit: fixed take profit value of the order StopLoss: initial stop loss value of the order Lot:

Lot Size TSL: enable or disable the trailing SL option.

TStart/Level: trail your SL to make a profit and avoid losses on small moves.

It works as: Start 5, Level 7, Step 4 means that at +12 Pips (start + level), SL moves to +5 Pips (start) and follows the price on 7 Pips (level) distance with step 4 Pips (change every 4 pips).

Download Best Forex News Trading Ea :

Best Forex News Trading Ea

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Author: Forex Wiki Team
We are a team of highly experienced Forex Traders [2000-2023] who are dedicated to living life on our own terms. Our primary objective is to attain financial independence and freedom, and we have pursued self-education and gained extensive experience in the Forex market as our means to achieve a self-sustainable lifestyle.