Multi Martin - The essence of the adviser is reflected in the name. Multi means a lot. Namely, multifunctional, designed for multi-currency trading. Martin, I think everyone knows what that means. Although the principle of martingale he also has a lot of functional. He can not only multiply the lot but also add, and also work with a fixed lot at the choice of the trader. The settings in general terms look like this.
MQL code:
extern double StopTradeBalans =0.0;
extern bool ClosAllEquity =false;
extern double MinEquity =100.0;
extern string note0="Параметры ограничения просадки";
extern double ClosAllOut = 0.0;
extern bool StopTradeOut =true;
extern double StartLot=0.02;
extern int Distanse=25;
extern int Level =30;
extern double TPInMoney=10.0;
extern bool TPAuto=true;
extern string note="Умножить лот";
extern bool UseMultiplier=false;
extern double Multiplier=2.0;
extern string note1="Прибавить лот";
extern bool UseIncreament=true;
extern double Increament=0.02;
extern string note4="Стратегия торговли, 0=Контр-Тренд, 1=Тренд";
extern int MyTradeStyle=0;
extern string TradeStyle_1="Контр-Тренд установки";
extern bool UseBB=true;
extern bool UseStoch=false;
extern bool UseRSI=false;
extern int Magic=1;
extern bool countreset=true;

A preliminary test like this. In the archive, together with an expert, you can see a detailed report of this test. In subsequent posts I will describe in detail the principles of the expert's work and parameter assignment