Forex GBP Scalper – Free Edition


Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 1

Hi Forex Wiki Friends,

Forex GBP Scalper Description:

Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 2

Forex 5m Scalper

Here is a pic of some generated scalping trades on the GBP/USD early New York session and the GBP/JPY late Tokyo session. Take a look at them. About 3 hours of trading each and trading a standard contract, 1 trade at a time, both sessions generated at least $1000. each. Not too shabby even if I say so myself ! Right below this pic will be a video explaining it all.

Here is a pic of some generated scalping trades on the GBP/USD early New York session and the GBP/JPY late Tokyo session. Take a look at them. About 3 hours of trading each and trading a standard contract, 1 trade at a time, both sessions generated at least $1000. each. Not too shabby even if I say so myself ! Right below this pic will be a video explaining it all.

Fx 5 minute scalping pic.

Here Is The Video Explanation

OK guys, I hope you're getting a little excited. I know I am just telling you about it. The beauty of this scalping system opposed to trading short term binary options is to profit about $1000. in B.O's, you would have had to make about 14 trades (risking $1400) to profit $1000. and that is if you didn't lose any trades.

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On the other hand, with the forex scalper, we only had to make 4 or 5 trades (risking $400. or $500.) to profit the same $1000. You say "but Trader Ed the BinOps trades are only 5 minutes long and you took 3 hours to profit $1000. with forex." That is true but trading only 1 trade at a time to minimize our risk, how long do you think it would have taken to find 14 good B.O. trades? And what are the chances of 14 B.O. trades without a loss? Get the picture? "No need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out." I rest my case, here is another pic. This one is blown up a bit so you can see the trades more clearly.

British Pound - Kiwi Dollar, New York Session

Scalper Trades Chart

Quick explanation, about 3 and 1/2 hours, 6 trades for a total of 134 pips profit. GBP/NZD is only worth about $6.75 USD per pip but that makes our risk about $67. per trade instead of $100. and the total profit was still over $900. Not too bad for a fun few hours spent, eh? At this time, the pairs involving the British Pound are making nice scalping moves, probably because of the Brexit problem.

Broker Requirement :

BROKER NAMEREGISTERYear Founded Headquartered LeverageMinimum Deposit Regulating
Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 3Register2007
🇦🇺 Australia
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇧🇸 The Bahamas
🇸🇿 Seychelles
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, FSA
Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 4Register2008
🇨🇾 Cyprus
1:Unlimited$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, FSA, BVI
Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 5Register2009
🇧🇿 Belize
Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 6Register2009
🇧🇿 Belize
Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 7Register2009
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇦🇺 Australia
🇧🇿 Belize
🇦🇪 Emirates
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , IFSC
Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 8Register2010
🇦🇺 Australia
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 9Register2011
🇬🇧 England
Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 10Register2006
🇪🇭 Ireland
See also  Turbo Profit EA V3.4 - Free Edition

Forex GBP Scalper Settings:

Forex GBP Scalper - Free Edition 11

DOWNLOAD Forex GBP Scalper :



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