Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit – Free MT4 Robot


Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot

Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit Review

Hedge, Rul Two pairings having a positive correlation are traded by the Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit . He just trades for buying on one and only selling on the other. When a position loses money, the advisor starts to close it out by opening deals that are much smaller in size than the original one and taking small bites out of price reductions. Until the unprofitable trade is settled or until they reach the specified total profit, the opposite trade, which is in the black, will remain open.

Terminal MT4
Currency pair GBPUSD-EURUSD, Any, but definitely! all instruments in the basket must have a positive correlation!
Timeframe M5
Money management At least 100 currency units

Best Brokers List 

The Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit  works  with any broker and any type of account, but we recommend our clients use one of the top forex brokers listed below:

BROKER NAMEREGISTERYear Founded Headquartered LeverageMinimum Deposit Regulating
Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot 2Register2007
🇦🇺 Australia
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇧🇸 The Bahamas
🇸🇿 Seychelles
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, FSA
Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot 3Register2008
🇨🇾 Cyprus
1:Unlimited$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, FSA, BVI
Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot 4Register2009
🇧🇿 Belize
Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot 5Register2009
🇧🇿 Belize
Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot 6Register2009
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇦🇺 Australia
🇧🇿 Belize
🇦🇪 Emirates
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , IFSC
Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot 7Register2010
🇦🇺 Australia
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot 8Register2011
🇬🇧 England
Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot 9Register2006
🇪🇭 Ireland

EA Settings

Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot


  • SYMBOL_1 = ” EURUSD” Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit;
  • SYMBOL_2 = “GBPUSD” Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit;
  • Step = 50; – minimum step between orders
  • ProfitClose = 1.00; – profit in the currency at which we bite off the averaging
  • SumProfitClose = 10.00; – profit in the currency at which we close everything
  • LevelAverag = 300; – distance to the clearing order in points
  • LotRUL = 0.01;/ / first lot of the clearing (averaging) order
  • K_Lot = 2.5;/ / increase coefficient of the averaging order
  • Max_Lot = 100.0;
  • StartLot = 0.05; – auto
  • trade lot time filter
  • TimeStart = 0,
  • TimeEnd = 24;
  • BarsCorrelation=300;
  • TimeFrames=0;
  • OpenDeltaPercent = 80; – the percentage of the maximum Delta at which the first positions are opened
  • MagicPlus = 0; – addition to the calculated magic
  • scale = 1.2 ;- the size of the information window
  • Font_Size = 10; – font size
  • StopLossDelta = false-closing positions with Reverse Delta
  • Volume_adjustment = false – adjustment of volume
  • CAP = false; //close accumulated profit ( CAP) – close part of the market at the expense of accumulated profit
  • LossPercentCAP = 10 – the percentage at which the CAP is enabled
See also  RSI Flex Grid EA MT4 - Free Download


Since this Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit EA trades in accordance with the hedging strategy and opening a deal necessitates analysis of multiple currency pairs, we are unable to perform a backtest because the MT4 terminal prohibits multi-currency testing in the strategy tester.

A virtual trawl is used to open clearing (averaging) transactions, keeping them at least a Step away from the previous open position and at a distance of LevelAverag from the current price.
Two strongly connected instruments' locations are guaranteed by the robot (hedges). Therefore, regardless of the market's direction, one transaction uses its profit to offset the loss of the other transaction.
Although the video depicts the work of earlier versions and is different from the work of the new version 2.1 that we have, it is still useful for review. Look at the videos below.

Here is how version 1.2 functions.

Below is how version 1.66 works


We have already featured some advisors from this developer on our website, including New Smart edge and ICB, and I have received a lot of positive feedback from the guys who have used them. This developer is well-versed in hedging strategies and creates quite good advisers from his own experience. Today I wish to release another EA for free access; all you have to do is download the files and install the EA correctly for it to work.

See also  Undefeated Triangle EA MT4: Free Download

Since removing it requires decompiling the adviser, which is a time-consuming process that takes a lot of time, the Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit EA simply removed the restrictions so that he could trade on any account. I know that some people will pay attention to the inscription in the lower right corner that this adviser is a demo version, but I want to warn you right away that this is a hacked version and it works, at least as of the time this post was published. The most crucial thing he accomplished was to correctly install it! AND SUCCEED.

Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit Free Download

We highly recommend trying the  Golden Expert Trade with ICMarket demo account. Also, familiarize yourself with and understand how this system works before using it on a live account.

Get Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit

Password: 123456


Copy “msimg32.dll” to ROOT terminal folder

EA Doesn’t Work With out This

C: \Program Information (x86)\[ Your MT4 Client Terminal ]

, CorePipsPro EA – Free Edtion


Copy “msimg32.dll” to MT4 terminal Root Folder (EA doesn’t work with out it)

This EA makes use of customized DLL “msimg32.dll”. Some antivirus could block it and flag it as a virus.

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Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot
Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit - Free MT4 Robot 10

Hedge, Rul Two pairings having a positive correlation are traded by the Forex Hedging Strategy Guaranteed Profit . Until the unprofitable trade is ...

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Author: Forex Wiki Team
We are a team of highly experienced Forex Traders [2000-2023] who are dedicated to living life on our own terms. Our primary objective is to attain financial independence and freedom, and we have pursued self-education and gained extensive experience in the Forex market as our means to achieve a self-sustainable lifestyle.