EA Multicurrency Trading With Loss Compensation Function


Good day to all associates in automated trading!

I want to share my advisor for multicurrency trading.
The EA manages a basket of 1 ke 28 pasangan mata uang, a list of which is set in the EA parameters.
The EA is installed on one chart with a pair that is not in the basket, Misalnya, a pair of Metals XAUUSD. This is done in order to avoid possible conflicts with the charts of traded currency pairs.
The adviser updates and displays in real time a lot of different information. This is done on the chart itself where the adviser is installed in several of its windows with numerical tables and various information on the traded pairs of the basket.
Often it is not even necessary to open price charts with a specific pair in order to understand the situation with its open orders. It is enough to see and study the information in the windows of the adviser.
Why did you need to make an adviser to trade a basket of pairs?
Isn’t it easier to work according to the classical scheme? Open several charts with currency pairs, put your own advisor on each one with personal and optimal trading parameters settings. Ya, that is possible. But far from always optimizing the parameters of the adviser on the history of quotes gives a positive result in real trading. Pertama, these are time-consuming optimization periods that take many hours and days of work in search of optimal parameters. Secondly, in real trading, it still does not save us from drawdowns. And at the same time, such drawdowns that last for weeks and months in anticipation of when the price will go our way. And the struggle with drawdowns does not always end well, Misalnya, with a drain of the deposit.
To understand the motives for switching to a multicurrency adviser, you need to go back 3-4 bertahun-tahun. Then I tried and upgraded a lot of advisers for different TSs and came to the sad conclusion that there are no trading strategies for advisors that would bring easy money. Almost no vehicle based on indicator signals gives 100% accurate input. At best, this is a 60-80% chance. And the remaining 20-40% fall on the drawdown and last long days, weeks and months of attempts to get out of the situation with a loss. A vehicle with a large number of indicators used as a filter also does not save from incorrect entry and only leads to a significant reduction in the number of transactions and, consequently, to a decrease in profit, but does not save from drawdowns.

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A multi-currency adviser also does not save you from drawdowns, but it has some other advantages over a single-currency advisor.
1. It is much easier to track transaction information for several dozen currency pairs. It is simply much more convenient in operation than the need to monitor a lot of price charts with advisors installed on them.
2. You can apply the minimum lot when working with a large number of currency pairs and, accordingly, reduce the probability of large drawdowns, provided that different pairs cancel each other out.
3. Apply mutual loss compensation with profit orders within the entire basket of currency pairs. Dalam hal ini, the profit received for one or more orders within one or more currency pairs of the basket compensates for the loss from one or more orders. When the profit amount exceeds the loss amount by a certain value (set in the EA parameters), then all these orders are closed. Sebagai akibat, we get a decrease in drawdown and some profit. Closing is done automatically by the terminal at the established Take Profit relative to the breakeven price level for this set of orders, or the EA closes this set of orders upon reaching the specified conditions.
4. The lack of fine-tuning the parameters for each currency pair I attribute to the advantages rather than the disadvantages of a multi-currency adviser. And that's why. A multi-currency advisor can also be run in the quotes history tester, but only for one specific currency pair. Having driven an adviser in the tester for each of the basket pairs, you can tune in to the average parameters that are most suitable for working with the entire basket of currency pairs.

Di dalam 2017, he made a universal multi-currency adviser with a loss compensation function and began to drive it on a demo account. The universality of the adviser lies in the fact that the main core of the adviser remains unchanged for different trading systems (TS). Only the module for generating signals of the TS changes and the module for the visual display of information on this TS partially changes. The remaining modules of the adviser do not change.
Dengan demikian, it was possible to quickly create and study several multicurrency advisers working on different TS.
But then I did not have to bring this work to its logical conclusion. I was busy with other things and abandoned forex for a long time. Hanya 2 years later, in February 2019, he returned to the topic of a multicurrency adviser. He made a significant upgrade, finalized his favorite indicator of price patterns GraphicPatterns to 21 models, and on the old base model of the adviser made several multi-currency advisors for different TS including for the TS on the GraphicPatterns indicator.
For those who will try the EA_Platon_Basket_Graphic advisor with TS on the GraphicPatterns indicator, they should know that at the first start the EA takes a long time (depending on the power of your computer) untuk 2-5 minutes to search and record information on patterns. This is provided that the basket has 28 pairs and is allowed to work on 5 jangka waktu (TF). At start, the adviser is looking for a pattern for each pair on each TF. Information about pattern searches is displayed by the corresponding red line on the screen. In the further work of the Expert Advisor, delays in the process of searching for patterns are not at all noticeable.
Depending on the type of your computer display, the adviser has a 16x9 or 4x3 screen parameter setting for placing the displayed information by the adviser!
To make sure that the final result of the adviser’s work is weakly dependent on the “coolness of the TS”, I took 5 types of TS on different indicators and made several multi-currency advisors for testing. Everyone can join to test them on a demo account.
I look forward to suggestions for improving the multicurrency adviser. I want to emphasize that the drawdown reduction algorithm is the main functionality of the adviser for its refinement.

I publish 6 multicurrency advisers for trading on 6 trading systems:

1. EA_Platon_Basket_Graphic on the GraphicPatterns indicator,
2. EA_Platon_Basket_Slope on the SuperSlope indicator,
3. EA_Platon_Basket_Peaky on the Peaky indicator,
4. EA_Platon_Basket_RatioRatio
5. EA_Platon_Basket_RsiTMA on the RsiTMA indicator
6. EA_Platon_Basket_Chukotka on the Chukotka indicator

Advisers have a built-in program code of indicators and TS filters and do not require the mandatory presence of these indicators in the Indicators directory of the terminal. TS indicators are needed for visual analysis of private price charts of traded currency pairs.
Advisors have built-in filters for TC signals: SupportResistance filter, Pivot filter, 4MA filter and RSI filter. Filters can be turned on and off using the buttons in the advisor menu.
For convenience, individual price charts for currency pairs of the basket are opened by clicking on the corresponding buttons in the table of currency pairs of the adviser.
For these charts, it is necessary to assign Expert Advisor templates each with its own name: Basket_visio_Graphic, Basket_visio_Slope, Basket_visio_Peaky, Basket_visio_Ratio, Basket_visio_RsiTMA, Basket_visio_Chukotka.
The names of the templates are registered in the parameters of the adviser and can be changed in the settings. Templates should be in the templates folder of the terminal. I enclose sample templates, but you can change them for yourself.
In addition to a set of indicators, the EA templates can include EA_Platon_Basket_Visio Expert Advisor for displaying open and closed orders on charts of currency pairs. The Basket_blank template is designed to create a black background on which a multicurrency Expert Advisor is placed. A black background is necessary so that graphs and other XAUUSD tags are not visible in the windows of the EA.
Multicurrency Expert Advisors and EA_Platon_Basket_Visio order visualization advisor should be placed in the Experts terminal folder.
The Expert Advisor has a set of buttons for quickly changing a number of Expert Advisor parameters without restarting it. When a button is pressed or pressed, the corresponding parameter is stored in a global variable. The next time the EA starts, this parameter is saved.

List of the EA’s main parameters:
- Type of order to enter the market (Market, Delayed Stop, Delayed Stop + Limit);
- Additional orders in the profit zone (Apply carefully);
- Type of modernization TakeProfit and StopLoss (Regarding the breakeven level of a group of orders or for each order personally);
- Hedging orders (This option must be used carefully);
- Averaging orders (Maximum lot in the grid, Distance between orders, Lot multiplier).
Apply soft averaging in 4-5 knees with a maximum lot of 10-20 starting lots. The optimal distance value is selected based on the test runs of the EA on different pairs.
- Compensatory closing of orders in the basket;
- Compensatory closing of orders within a currency pair;
- Block trade during news and Rollover time;
- Block trade by day and time of day;
- Parameters of vehicle indicators and filter indicators;
- List of traded currency pairs (Total up to 28 berpasangan);
- Parameters of the visual control unit of the adviser.

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Here is a small report on trading in two days.

Since the insta bonus merged with the previous adviser, I decided to open only the same for this strategy, therefore Platon-Chukotka
in real life with a minimum of depot, there was a debt of 174, flooded 300, it remains that there are 150 rubles with copecks, I’ve already caught almost 12 rubles in half a day, I definitely didn’t check, see the next fort real in the pictures , the strategy is the same, it costs a day more, I close some orders with my hands, in detail, the sensitive trawl would be an awesome multicurrency scalper to it. But this is so far the first glance, we need a lot of statistics, so we are observing that it has successfully hit the beginning of the month, so that by September 1 there will be full statistics if we are alive.

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EA Multicurrency Trading With Loss Compensation Function 1

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so, well, here we have a demo feu, 4 sign, I’m not doing anything, just watching the Plato-ratio strategy, since there are more entrances than in Chukotka. conclusion: there are fewer inputs in Chukotka therefore I left all timeframes in the case otherwise there would be an order of magnitude less open orders. For the strategy in Chukotka is slightly different from the original version of Chukotka which is in the next branch. I’m writing quickly to work, it’s time, if I missed something, I’ll add it in the evening, and I will have a small depot on instu, because today the bonus from the forum will come and the depot will grow a little.

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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Valas
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah menempuh pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.