Price Action EA – 무료 버전



Price Action EA Description :


Bazava is a fully automated trading system on NZDUSD M5. It uses a proprietary 가격 행동 strategy to identify only the safest entry points.Trading occurs mostly during periods of the calm market as the EA combines price action with volatility filtering to guide you on the right side of the market


You can limit max. position holding time using the TradeDuration 매개변수. See screenshots


  • Stable growth curve as a result of a high percentage of winning trades
  • Stress-tested on all available history
  • Not sensitive to spread, 수수료, or account type
  • Automatic adjustment to the 4 그리고 5 digit quotes
  • Automatic GMT adjustment
  • The minimum deposit is 50 USD
  • System is FIFO compliant
  • 쉬운 setup and use

마틴게일 없음, grid or hedging is used. 1 signal = 1 trade.

기간: M5
Currency pair: NZDUSD

The EA only trades once a day, and if there is an open position, then other signals will be ignored. So the first trade may differ if the EA is installed at different times on different accounts.

예를 들어, if you run the EA at a time when my signal has an open trade, then on your account the robot may open a different trade that will not be opened on my signal account, because the EA already traded there today.

If you want the first trade to be the same as on my signal account, I recommend installing the EA after 18h GMT provided that there is no open position on my signal account.

브로커 요구 사항 :

브로커 이름등록하다창립연도 본사 영향력최소 입금액 규제
Price Action EA - Free Version 1
🇦🇺 호주
🇨🇾 키프로스
🇧🇸 바하마
🇸🇿 세이셸
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, FSA
Price Action EA - Free Version 2등록하다2008
🇨🇾 키프로스
1:제한 없는$10사이섹, FCA, FSCA, FSA, BVI
Price Action EA - Free Version 3등록하다2009
🇧🇿 벨리즈
Price Action EA - Free Version 4등록하다2009
🇧🇿 벨리즈
Price Action EA - Free Version 5등록하다2009
🇨🇾 키프로스
🇦🇺 호주
🇧🇿 벨리즈
🇦🇪 에미레이트 항공
1:1000$5 ASIC, 사이섹 , IFSC
Price Action EA - Free Version 6등록하다2010
🇦🇺 호주
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
Price Action EA - Free Version 7등록하다2011
🇬🇧 영국
Price Action EA - Free Version 8등록하다2006
🇪🇭 아일랜드
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Price Action EA Settings:

입력 매개변수

  • StartLotSize - proportional lot size if EnableAutoLot is set to true and fixed lot size in case EnableAutoLot is set to false
  • EnableAutoLot - trading lot will increase with an increase in your account's balance
  • FundsForAutoLot - here you can set the amount of balance to be used for every StartLotSize if EnableAutoLot is set to true. E.g.FundsForAutoLot=1000 그리고StartLotSize=0.05 means that for every $1000 there will be 0.05 lots opened (0.5 ~을 위한 $10000 등)
  • MaxLotSize - set the maximum allowed lot size if you don't want the lot size ever to exceed this value
  • EquityStopLoss% - the EA will close all open positions when account equity falls below the specified percentage of the account balance
  • MaxNumberOpenPosition - if the maximum number of open positions exceeds this value, then the EA will not open a new trade. This option works as a filter. Set it to 0 if you want disable this feature.
  • SpreadFilterPips - if the spread is bigger than the value specified here, the trade won't be opened
  • MaxSlippagePips - works only for Instant live accounts (not ECN). Set here what maximum slippage you can take on your Instant account
  • GMT/DST_Offset_Auto - if true, the EA will try to find the correct GMT offset of your broker automatically. You must allow requests to (Tools -> Options -> Expert Advisors -> Allow WebRequests for listed URL).
  • GMT_Offset(winter)_Manual - set your broker's time zone (in winter)
  • DaylightSavingTime_Manual - if your broker uses daylight saving time, set this to true and EA will automatically adjust itself
  • EnableTrendFilter - set to true if you want to avoid risky trades during periods of trending markets
  • OrderTakeProfitPips - the size of Take Profit in pips (1 pip = 10 전철기)
  • OrderStopLossPips - the size of Stop Loss in pips (1 pip = 10 전철기)
  • EnableTradeDuration - set to true if you want to limit position holding time
  • TradeDuration - set the maximum position holding time, in bars
  • BasicMagicNumber - add Magic number to trace trades you made with this EA. It must be less than 99999!
  • 거래댓글 - add any comments to your trades
기억하다! Past performance is no guarantee of future profitability due to the Non-Stationary nature of the market

권장 사항

  • It is recommended to use default values for all parameters (except GMT offset if your broker uses different time zone) if you don't know exactly what are you doing. Test any changes thoroughly before running EA on a live account.
  • Note that SpreadFilterPips 그리고 MaxSlippagePips parameters are execution dependent and might lead the system to skip trades that were seen on tests.
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  • Not required to activate 'Allow DLL Imports'

Price Action EA Results:

Price Action EA - Free Version 9 Price Action EA - Free Version 10 Price Action EA - Free Version 11 Price Action EA - Free Version 12 Price Action EA - Free Version 13 Price Action EA - Free Version 14 Price Action EA - Free Version 15 Price Action EA - Free Version 16 Price Action EA - Free Version 17 Price Action EA - Free Version 18

Download Price Action EA :



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