Ratios & Harmonics: a Different Way to Trade


Hello Traders,

Here are the ground rules for the training ahead. I will ask that everyone follow them as it will make it easier on me to help you and there is a lot to cover so we don't need to get side tracked. I will present it to you in the order by which it is used. This way you can learn the proper sequence and how to apply what has been learned.

1. No posting of any material that is not related to the lesson of the week.

2. Posting will be limited to the DOW Futures or the EURUSD 15M period. What I will teach you is relevant to any time frame or instrument but for the sake of continuity and to make my life easier that is what we will work with.

3. The weekly video with be uploaded to YouTube on Sunday and the link will be posted in the thread like the videos in the past. Also with the video there will be a post on the lesson.

4. I want to see as much participation from everyone as possible. Remember, this is your opportunity ask questions and to post your work for review. This is not a one way highway. I want to see if you are getting it. Opportunities like this do not come often or at all. DON"T WASTE IT!

5. DO THE WORK! Laziness will keep you where you are. The Market will not wait for you to catch up and neither will I.

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6. Have fun.

Click to Enlarge Name: 2017-01-05_104455.png Size: 37 KB


I’m Mr. Pip; I am a fulltime trader and trade ratios and harmonics. I’m starting this thread with the purpose of providing some insight on the topic of ratios and harmonic trading.

I understand this is an advance method of trading but let’s not let that affect our ability to learn from this style of trading. I will not be providing you with any resume as to how long I’ve been trading nor will I be answering questions about my results, how many pips I make per week and all the other questions that follow suit. Let’s understand that my result will not be equal to yours and therefore are irrelevant to the purpose to this thread.

Results have more to do with the trader then the system traded. You will either see value or you won’t. If you do great stick aroundand we can learn from each other. This is a never ending journey and learning should always be #1 on your priority list.

This system is based on price action, ratios and harmonics. NO indictors will be added or used. Please do not post any as they are not part of this system. All traders and their ideas deserve the upmost respect and that is the only rule for now.

As I mentioned I am a full time trader and my focus will be to my trading first. I will after my trading is finished for the day come here to post and answer questions. Please let me know if there is an interest in harmonics and ratios so I can continue on our journey.

I welcome and call out all harmonics and ratio traders to participate and post. I wish everyone the very best in all your endeavors.

Best Regards,

Mr. Pip

I would like to thank Kilian19 for the wonderful jester of maintaining a summery journal of my most important post. This is a wonderful reference for us all. Many thanks again!!!

Attached File


File Type: xlsx Simple Money Management.xlsx   27 KB | 76 downloads
File Type: zip Ratios and Harmonics 2016.pdf.zip   9.4 MB | 259 downloads
File Type: ex4 SFX ATR Dashboard MultiPair.ex4   132 KB | 118 downloads
File Type: doc Harmonic Patterns.doc   644 KB | 422 downloads
File Type: docx Complete Harmonic Cheatsheet.docx   989 KB | 383 downloads
File Type: ex4 harmonics test.ex4   9 KB | 470 downloads
File Type: xls Pattern CalculatorpPRZ.xls   230 KB | 266 downloads


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