This is inspired from the manual trading system ICHIMOKU CLOUDBURST of zaman which has gone commercial, the idea here is to make a EA based on the principles of ICHIMOKU cloudburst :

The requirements of the EA are pretty simple it will be trading on the range bar screen and will take trades based on the 9 26 52 cloud and matrix settings. the details of the indicators files are available in the ichimoku cloudburst thread.
We need to have a SL which is to be place above Seknou SPAN A Value plus 3 pips for sell trade and for buy trade we have to place it below the Seknou SPAN B Value minus 3 pips
This value of SL should keep changing as the Seknou SPAN A and SPAN B value changes as the trade moves .
As regards TP we can keep it at 10 pips and can trail it from there at 10 pip gap .
I am attaching a sample ICHIMOKU EA which trades but need refinement in the SL and TP area . Also some of the features need to be switched off .
We have made some nice progress and here is the latest version of the EA