Simple Method MT4 to MT5 code converter


Rewrite MQL 4 to MQL 5 Script

A script which converts MQL 4 code to MQL 5 code was developed by Keiji and Circlesquares on the MQL4 discussion board.

Первый, obtain the next information and place them in your Metatrader 4 / specialists / embrace folder

- mt4accountinfo.mqh

- mt4string.mqh

- mt4datetime.mqh

- mt4objects_1.mqh

- mt4timeseries_2.mqh

Сейчас, place the most recent model of the rewrite script and it in your Metatrader 4 / specialists / scripts folder:

- mq4to5rewrite_sample_v4_2.mq4

After that you'll want to place a mql4 indicator, script or ea which you need to convert to MQL 5 in your Metatrader 4 / specialists / information folder. Now open Metatrader 4 and run the script, the script is situated within the navigator window. As you possibly can see you need to first present the precisely title (with out extension) of your mq4 file and choose whether it is an indicator (0), советник (1) or script (2) file.

Simple Method MT4 to MT5 code converter 1

Now hit the "OK" button and if every little thing is finished

Simple Method MT4 to MT5 code converter 2

After that go to your Metatrader 4 / specialists / information folder and you will see that the transformed mq5 file there:

Simple Method MT4 to MT5 code converter 3

Now open this file with Metaeditor 5 in compile it.


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