Looser Trading System (Version 0.01-1/3)

Looser Trading System
Producer: Shayan Ali
Location: Pakistan
Looser Trading System
Version: 0.01-1/3
Style: kiss-me (keep it simple smart-money expert)
Recipe: make entries & exit any time - don't care for london breakout, new york breakout or mount everest breakout - recommended time: When driving at 240 - while taking bath - after fighting with your husband/wife - in the middle of funeral ceremony - long or short all 6 pairs - place 30 pips stop loss - immediately place entry stops exact at the price where you placed stop loss and now place stop loss for second entry exact at the price where you entered first time - profit taking limits are sin here - exit whenever you want
Looser Trading System (Version 0.01-1/3) 1
Looser Trading System
Version: 0.02-2/6
Style: sar (stop & revenge)
Recipe: make entries & exit any time - long or short all 6 pairs - place 30 pips stop loss - immediately place entry stops with "double lots" exact at the price where you placed stop loss and now place stop loss "double lots" for second entry exact at the price where you entered first time - profit taking limits are sin here - exit whenever you want - this is taking revenge from market because you have been hit a stop loss, so you take revenge with double lots

Looser Trading System
Version: 0.03-3/9
Style: e&g (emotional & greedy)

Recipe: make entries & exit any time - long or short all 6 pairs - place 30 pips stop loss - place 50 pips tp (take profit) - immediately place entry stops exact at the price where you placed stop loss and now place stop loss for second entry exact at the price where you entered first time - now also place 50 pips profit taking limits for second entries - you cannot exit whenever you want - now you have to see the consequences for being emotional & greedy

Looser Trading System
Version: 0.04-4/12
Style: ob (opening bell)

Recipe: long or short all 6 pairs at the opening of london or new york session - place 30 pips stop loss - immediately place entry stops exact at the price where you placed stop loss and now place stop loss for second entry exact at the price where you entered first time - profit taking limits are sin here - exit at the end of the session

Looser Trading System
Version: 0.05-5/15
Style: poe (professor of economics)
Recipe: make entries & exit just before high impact economic data - trade only us data - long or short all 6 pairs - place 30 pips stop loss - immediately place entry stops exact at the price where you placed stop loss and now place stop loss for second entry exact at the price where you entered first time - profit taking limits are sin here - exit when market has taken enough impact

STORY: once upon a time there were 3 men and 3 women - they married each other - they were happily living their life - suddenly a villain came in their lives and attached him self to everyone - their life had been ruined - there was such a mess - after a long time a looser was born - he spent his life in mountains and jungles thinking about how to exploit this mess that villain had created. So after discussing with hyenas and hippos - he made a plan and revealed the secret to every one - though some hidden secrets were kept in the bottom of looser's heart - but - do you know who those 3 men were? Those 3 men were "eur gbp aud" and women were "chf jpy cad" and the villain was "usd" - this is not the end - watch next episode in your trading accounts

DIRECTION: never ever add or subtract any pair - if you have chosen long then every day make entries with long and if you have chosen short then stick permanent with shortIMPORTANT: first demo the system - when you are satisfied then go with live - this system is not the end - i am about to blast some more trading systems that are so much different and out of the box that you will say "oh my god - so simple - this we never thought about and was so obvious but we didn't notice - every thing i share you in future will be 100% free
Attached Image
Looser Trading System (Version 0.01-1/3) 2
Attached Files
File Type: mq4 LooserTradingSystemMicroLot.mq4   4 KB | 694 downloads | Uploaded Aug 12, 2010 10:38am
File Type: mq4 LooserTradingSystemMiniLot.mq4   4 KB | 577 downloads | Uploaded Aug 12, 2010 10:38am
File Type: mq4 LooserTradingSystemStandardLot.mq4   4 KB | 562 downloads | Uploaded Aug 12, 2010 10:39am
File Type: mq4 Close all open and pending orders.mq4   1 KB | 533 downloads | Uploaded Aug 12, 2010 10:40am
The HolyGrail is within your BRAIN ... Activate that Indicator !!!

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