USDLFX Offline Chart Creator EA


What is USDLFX?
USDLFX is a currency index of US dollar formulated by LiteForex broker. It is an attempt to create an indicator for USD currency power. The idea has been further extended to other major Forex currencies. To my knowledge, these indices are not available on other brokers.
The expert advisor presented here creates offline LFX indices for those who use other brokers but would like to have LFX indices on their charts.
In order to use this EA, you need to attach it to an EURUSD chart of your selected time frame. Then select which LFX index you want the EA to create for you.
The EA will then generate the LFX index as an offline chart with the same time frame as you have attached the EA to the EURUSD chart.

Attached Image (click to enlarge)


Attached Image (click to enlarge)
Click to Enlarge

Name: Screenshot5.png
Size: 22 KB

Note: In the absence of history ticks data, it is not possible to reconstruct wicks.

--- Update 2017-01-26 ---
Version 1.42 released. In this version the EA automatically detects suffix of symbols.

Attached File
File Type: ex4 MathTrader7_LFXChartCreatorEA.ex4   54 KB | 693 downloads | Uploaded Jan 26, 2017 4:05pm

--- Update 2018-07-13 ------
Version 1.48 released. In this version, the speed of calculating LFX bars from history data increased.

See also  Weekly Top-Down Technical Analyses

Note: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL VERSION (beta). Please report any bug you may face in this version.

Attached File
File Type: ex4 MathTrader7_LFXChartCreatorEA_beta.ex4   70 KB | 71 downloads | Uploaded Jul 13, 2018 3:43pm
Meanwhile, here's a thought... all the wicks does, is to increase the average volatility measurements right? So increasing the the multiplier setting on the xSuperTrend indicator of the MathTrader7 USDLFXc Chart from "3" to "6" seems to normalise the volatility/momentum readings. Crude but effective you think? USDLFX Offline Chart Creator EA 1USDLFX Offline Chart Creator EA 2
Attached Images (click to enlarge)
Click to Enlarge

Name: USDLFXcM30.png
Size: 31 KB Click to Enlarge

Name: USDLFXM30.png
Size: 37 KB

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