Trading is not rocket science and you do not need hindsight to make Pip$.
Just a little common sense...
Here is a screenshot showing six 1hr charts covering most of the main movers.
Just take a look at the ADR figures in the Info Panel.
With currencies GBPNZD & GBPAUD tend to move the most, just now their ADR's are showing +144 & +143, when the markets move their ADR's tend to be +200.
Re Indices, HK50, Dow & Dax tend to move big too, their ADR's are currently +271, +189 & +120, when the markets move their ADR's tend be +100 more than what is shown.
Gold is sitting around +91 ADR and when the market moves it can easily go +200.So if you monitor these six charts you should be able to make anywhere between 100 to 300 Pip$ per day.
Stay away from black candles and try and trade with the Trend (blue candles UP trend and pink candles for DOWN Trend).
See also  Neural network (deep learning) EA & some manual trades

Watch the main anchor semafor on the 1hr (Red top & Green bot) along with the minor white dot semafors.
Look for zigzag moves, pullbacks then impluse moves which should coincide with our trend colour scheme.
This is where the most Pip$ are made.

Traders watch for breakout moves, well a lot of these breakouts happen when price crosses the main Trend line, and these crosses tend to be after a pullback move followed by the cross impulse move that just keeps going and going in the new trend direction.

If you watch for these pullback/impulse moves at the Main Trend then you will see hindsight in the making.